quinta-feira, março 13, 2008

Would I be happy in heaven?

Today was a perfect day. The weather was perfect. The warmth in the air was perfect. The people in the street were smiling. The birds in the sky were singing. The trees, the grass and the flowers were reaching out to our inner nature. Everything looked fucking perfect. Happiness was all over the place. It was Spring time in Winter.
It was like heaven. Perfection was all around.
And in life, is that enough?
Yes. No doubt. It is, if you consider living as the ability to breathe continuously.
But, if you believe life to be an adventure, a succession of challenges, a time to discover what’s inside you and what surrounds you, fuck no! I repeat: fuck no!
But you must have majestic balls to relinquish heaven. You must know that, if you don’t want heaven now, you won’t have heaven ever. So, you must make a choice. And the choice is to cut your fucking wings and give the big fucking finger to the Holy Spirit. Then, it’s up to you. Only you can make the sun shine, the wind blow, the rain fall, the birds sing and the flowers grow. Only you can make a perfect day be perfect.
But then, you ask, what the fuck is perfection?
Perfection is in your heart, I say. What is perfect for you may not be perfect for me. So why the fuck should there only be one heaven?
That’s the point, motherfucker, that’s the mother fucking point.

1 comentário:

El Felino disse...

Loved it!...