Ah, a internet... possuidora de tantos talentos, reveladora de tantos tesouros, companheira de tantos momentos solitários, cena de várias cenas e etc de diversos...
Tanta coisa haveria para dizer sobre Ti, oh grande world wide web, mas tudo o que eu pudesse dizer estaria "outdated" antes de o acabar de escrever. Por isso, neste teu vigésimo aniversário, deixarei aos teus desígnios o sentido de uma pérola que encontrei hoje, em/através/devido/nomeadamente/pão com chouriço/chaminé/coisas e loisas/pardais ao ninho/nomenclatura Ti:
“Traces of an Imaginary Affair is a kit containing a set of nine tools which can be used to create an imaginary affair. These tools leave marks on the body, such as bite marks, carpet burns, bondage marks, love bites, scratches and bruises. In addition, probes of perfume, lipstick and hair can be applied to either the body or clothes. The project broaches the issue of intentionally instigated jealousy in relationships, which often serves to bolster self-esteem or to test the strength of partnerships. It was inspired by stories of people who used fake evidence of victimisation or illnesses to receive attention from others.”
Wicked! ;P
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